To & From The Airport

Wagga Wagga Airport is located on Don Kendell Drive in Forest Hill - 10 kilometres from Wagga Wagga CBD.

Travel Time to Major Areas in the Region

The table below indicates minimum driving times between locations within the Riverina and Wagga Wagga Airport. When planning travel please use this table as a general guide only. Leave at least this amount of time and allow for potential unforeseen delays.

From Travel Time to Airport
Wagga Wagga CBD 18 minutes
Kapooka 23 minutes
Uranquinty 23 minutes
Tarcutta 25 minutes
The Rock 33 minutes
Junee 35 minutes
Mangoplah 35 minutes
Coolamon 37 minutes
Gundagai 47 minutes
Illabo 50 minutes
Lockhart 55 minutes
Temora 1 hour 7 minutes
Tumut 1 hour 7 minutes
Cootamundra 1 hour 11 minutes